Adroddiad Blynyddol 2023-2024 YMGYRCHU DROS GAERDYDD GRYFACH, DECACH A GWYRDDACH Y bygythiad mwyaf i heddwch y byd yw…
Annual Report 2023-2024 CAMPAIGNING FOR A STRONGER, FAIRER, GREENER CARDIFF The biggest threat to world peace is…
COP28: What happened and what does it mean for Wales? Last week, COP28 concluded with a stronger agreement than had been previously feared. Though there…
Annual Report 2022-23 Delivering a Safer, Greener Cardiff I fully support making 20mph the default option on residential…
My December Report The Tories’ Cost Of Living Emergency I have started distributing a Cost of Living leaflet…
Cost-of-living Help and Support A Message from Jenny Rathbone We face an unprecedented cost-of-living crisis. Basic food and heating…
My November Report Call for helpers On Friday 2nd December I will be hosting a Christmas card stuffing…
Warm Spaces in Cardiff Central The Warm Welcome Campaign is the community response to the cost-of-living crisis. Everyone should have…
My May Report Cost of Living Crisis – a National Emergency A staggering 45% of all Welsh households,…
March and April Update Better Office Signage: Enormous thanks to Dragon Signs for making it clearer how to contact…
February Senedd Report Living with Covid Masks are no longer required in classrooms and venues such as cinemas,…
Cervical Screening Changes in Wales There has been good news for cervical screening across Wales. Women aged 25-49 will only…
Healthy Eating – Growing your own Mini-Crops in Winter Pea Shoots are easy and fun to grow. They are a good source of fibre,…
Meeting Net Zero in Wales The First Minister and the Climate Change Minister Julie James have called for a ‘decade…
Ending Male Violence Against Women The issues surrounding violence endured by women at the hands of men has been brought…
Making Your Own Seed Pots at Home What a year we have had! Let’s start looking forward to longer days and preparing…
My apology to the Jewish community The Labour Party issued me with a formal warning about the unacceptable remarks I made…