The First Minister and the Climate Change Minister Julie James have called for a ‘decade of action’ to tackle the climate change crisis as they published Net Zero Wales – the next phase in our journey towards a ‘greener, stronger, fairer Wales’- ahead of the COP 26 summit at the beginning of November.
Net zero is met when the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere are even.
The document contains more than 120 government policies and proposals, covering every area from peatland restoration to active travel, and from green skills to renewable energy.
It shows how the Welsh Government will do everything from building 20,000 new low carbon homes and increasing community tree planting through 30 new woodlands, to legislating to abolish the use of more commonly littered, single use plastics and helping develop green skills in businesses.
But it also is clear that Government can’t tackle this challenge alone. Everybody has to play their part.
For example, by March 2023 all public sector organisations will report their emissions and publish their plans to achieve Net Zero, with the aim of collectively achieving Net Zero across the Welsh public sector by 2030.
We need more countries to follow the lead of the Welsh Government and produce strategies like this if we have any serious intention of keeping global warming within 3 degrees.
See more of the plans here.