Delivering a Safer, Greener Cardiff
I fully support making 20mph the default option on residential roads from September. It will
- Cut the number of deaths on the roads
- Decrease deaths from polluted air
- Encourage more people to commute to work and school on foot, bike or public transport
- Reduce transport carbon emissions
Fortunately Cardiff Council had already acted to slow down traffic on many residential roads, so the change feels like a further improvement rather than a revolution.

Cost-of-Living Crisis
Unsustainable debt fuelled by the Rising Cost Of Living use cover image
The UK Government controls most of the tax and spending decisions which influence the spiralling cost of energy and food.
Welsh Government support has been a lifeline for Welsh households struggling to make ends meet. But investment in green energy is the only sustainable route out of fuel poverty; producing more vegetables and fruit in Wales would make us less vulnerable to price hikes in imported food.
Please contact me if you need help getting the financial benefits you may be entitled to.
Climate Change Committee
Committee inquiries in the last 12 months included; Decarbonising Private Housing; The WG’s Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy; and the Future of Bus and Rail Transport.
The Cardiff Central Bus Station is re-opening 8 years after it closed. The climate emergency requires us to move faster than that in future.
Houses near Roath Brook remain vulnerable to flooding which is why Dwr Cymru is improving the flow of water from Roath Lake. Many changes are needed to future proof communities including diverting rain from roofs and streets) from our over-burdened sewage system

Equality and Social Justice Committee
Welsh Rugby Union Inquiry
In the Spring I scrutinised the WRU, Sport Wales and the Welsh Government on why it took a BBC programme to tackle the endemic misogyny suffered by female players and staff. The Culture Committee’s recommendations were published in May 2023.
The appointment of Abi Tierney, a senior civil servant in the Home Office as the WRU Chief Executive, supported by Nigel Walker as Director of Rugby and Richard Collier-Keywood, the WRU’s first independent Chair of the Board, with suggests that the WRU is now set to become an organisation that can truly represent everyone in Wales.
Women’s Justice needs to be devolved to Wales
Our inquiry into Welsh women’s experience of criminal justice found that most women receive short prison sentences for minor offences – long enough to lose their job, their children and their home, but too short to address the causes of their offending behaviour. Most re-offend within a year. The Committee recommended the devolution of justice and policing; Wales could make better use of the £60,000 it costs to keep someone in prison for a year. We need an expanded number of community women’s centres, like the two in Cardiff run by the Nelson Trust and Safer Wales. They help vulnerable women address the issues that cause them to offend in the first place.
Youth Justice
A short inquiry into why 8 out of 10 young people who come into contact with the criminal justice system have speech, language or communication difficulties produced important recommendations for schools, and the NHS as well as the youth justice service. This Autumn we will publish a report into both prevention and early intervention to tackle gender-based violence.
The main legislative responsibility of the Committee was to scrutinise the detail of the Social Partnership and Public Procurement Act which became law in May 2023. This enshrines in law collaboration rather than confrontation with the public sector workforce. It also obliges public bodies to account of the environmental and social impact of their actions, as well as price, when buying goods and services.
Health and Wellbeing
I am acutely aware of the challenges experienced by both patients and people who work for the NHS. Despite a £900m cut from UK Govt, the Welsh Government continues to invest half its budget in Health and Social Care.
Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of Cardiff’s hospital services is key to managing unprecedented NHS demand.
Cardiff has the best performance in Wales for ambulance delays in discharging patients so they get back on the road quickly for the next 999 call.
Cardiff’s “pink army” of social carers in the Emergency Department make sure that people don’t have to go into hospital unnecessarily if their needs can be better met at home.
The “pink army” ensures that patients leave hospital as soon as they are medically fit, with the package of care they need in the community. This minimises the time other patients wait for a hospital operation.
Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women. Diagnosis can take years, treatments are invasive and expensive and more research is needed to improve outcomes. It should form an important part of an improved women’s healthcare plan.

In October last year I spoke at a menopause Conference attended by 1,500 people. Thanks to the efforts of clinicians, patients and employers women are better supported to cope with the menopause.
Focus on Mental Health
The Recovery College at Llandough Hospital is pioneering self-help courses which are open to anyone in Cardiff & the Vale who has lived experience of mental health challenges. Please get in touch with them to find out the course that suits you.
Investing in the Future
Email: Cardiffandvale.Recoverycollege@wales.nhs.uk
Call: 02921 832619
Website: www.cavuhb.nhs.wales/recovery-college
Focus on Primary Care and Prevention
The Welsh Government has invested extra money in primary care like Maelfa Well-Being Centre so more services can be moved away from expensive hospitals. Don’t forget many pharmacists also provide confidential one to one consultations and the NHS 111 service is open 24/7. Please contact me if you are having difficulty accessing services.
Young Person’s Guarantee
If you are aged 16-24, The Welsh Government can help you:
- Choose the right course
- Find an apprenticeship
- Job search and help with the application process
- Start your own business
Call FREE on 0800 028 4844
Monday to Thursday: 8am to 6pm
Friday: 9am to 4:30pm
Ultra Processed Food could bankrupt the NHS
Combatting the billions that big food companies invest in promoting ultra-processed food is something I worry about a lot. Adding chemicals like “Xuantham gum” and “emulsifiers” are added to everyday packaged items including ones badged as “healthy” to increases their shelf life and profitability. This is a major failure of regulation.
Free School Meals
I fully support the Welsh Government’s £627m investment in free school meals over the next three years.
Along with a free school breakfast, every child aged 4 to 11 will have access to good food. This will make them better learners.

Food and Fun
Running since 2015 , the Food and Fun Summer Programme teaches young people about the importance of a balanced diet to stay healthy.
A big shout out for staff at Bryn Celyn, Cathays, Glyncoed, Howardian, Springwood and Tredegarville who ran a Programme, which provided children with three weeks of action-packed Food and Fun over the summer holidays.
In the Community
Pentwyn Pool will reopen in 2024
Swimming is great for everyone regardless of ability or fitness. That’s why over 6,000 people signed a petition to get Pentwyn Pool re-opened. Cardiff Council is investing in a new pool heated by renewable energy which will open next year. Fantastic news!
Maelfa Gardening Club
This will run every Friday 11am – 1pm at the Powerhouse. All are welcome!
Call Martin for more information: 07831 196851.